2.5W Solar Panel 116X160

SKU : 2.5WSP116x160


750.00 ฿

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This is a custom solar panel, which mates directly with many of our development boards and has a high efficiency at 15%. Unit has a clear epoxy coating with hard-board backing. Robust sealing for out door applications!



 - PCB size : 116*160*1.5 mm

 - Monolithic : 9.57*156 mm

 - Efficiency : 15%

 - Voltage:5.5V;

 - Current:450mA

 - Power:2.5W

 - Type:156 Two line;

 - PCB Material : all Glass fiber

 - PCB requirements : positive

 - Quality requirements :

 - flatness less than 0.1mm

 - clean, does not allow to have the scratch

 - take off paint the phenomenon, such as a hole does not allow to have the deviation

 - Note : tolerance Positive and negative 0.1mm

 - Name: PET laminated (116*160)

 - Arrangement:1*11(series)NO spacing posted artical black;

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