28 Pin AVR Development Board



850.00 ฿

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Prototype board for 28 pin AVR microcontrollers with with power supply circuit, crystal oscillator circuit, RS232 port, reset IC, status LED, and 10 pin STK ICSP port.

 - STK200 compatible ICSP 5x2 pin connector for in-circuit programming with AVR-PG1 or AVR-PG2

 - RS232 Tx, Rx interface with MAX232 IC on socket

 - 8 MHz crystal on socket (user replacable)

 - Reset IC ZM33064

 - Reset button

 - General purpose push button

 - Status LED connected to PC5 via removable jumper

 - DIL28 microcontroller socket

 - Power plug-in jack

 - Selectable +3.3V / +5V power supply voltage regulator

 - Extension pin headers for each uC pin

 - Four mounting holes 3.3 mm (0.13")

 - GND bus

 - Vcc bus

 - Dimensions: 100x80 mm (3.9x3.15")

 - Board does not come with AVR installed. Please see a list of related items below.

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