DC-DC Converter Board Voltage Regulator Stepdown Module



390.00 ฿

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Features :

 - DC to DC Converter Module

 - Compact DC-DC Step-Down Converter Module. The output voltage is adjustable via the blue trimmer. Ideal for any electronics project.

 - Input Voltage: 3-30VDC

 - Output voltage: 1.21-18VDC

 - Max output current: 3A (Recommend use following in 2A, leaving a certain margin)

 - Built in LM2596S-adj

 - Dimensions: 37mm x 37mm



 - 100% Brand New

 - 1x DC-DC Converter Module

 - 2x Cable


Step-down: The input voltage must be at least 1.5v higher than the output voltage.

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