MC145406N Triple Drvr/Receiver

SKU : MC145406N


56.00 ฿

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Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers TRIPLE DRIVER/RECEIVER RS232-D/V.29 The MC145406 is a silicon-gate CMOS IC that combines 3 drivers and 3 receivers to fulfill the electrical specifications of standards EIA-232-D and CCITT V.28. The drivers feature true TTL input compatibility, slew-rate limited output, 300W power-off source impedance, and output typically switching to within 25% of the supply rails. The receivers can handle up to +25V while presenting

3 to 7kW impedance. Hysteresis in the receiver aids reception of noisy signals. By combining both drivers and receivers in a single CMOS chip, the MC145406 provides efficient, low-power solutions for EIA-232-D and V.28 applications.


• Modem interface

• Voice/data telephone interface

• Lap-top computers

• UART interface

Part No : ELE-MO060973281

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