MUR3060PT Ultra fast Recovery Diodes



150.00 ฿

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Ultrafast 35 and 60 Nanosecond Recovery Time

175C Operating Junction Temperature

High Voltage Capability to 600 V

Low Forward Drop

Low Leakage Specified @ 150C Case Temperature

Current Derating Specified @ Both Case and Ambient Temperatures

Epoxy Meets UL 94 V−0 @ 0.125 in

High Temperature Glass Passivated Junction

ESD Ratings:

Machine Model = C (> 400 V)

Human Body Model = 3B (> 16,000 V)

AEC−Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable

SUR8 Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring

Unique Site and Control Change Requirements

All Packages are Pb−Free*

 Part No : ELE-CH061001150

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