PC817 Photocoupler (Optoelectronics)

SKU : PC817


3.00 ฿

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Product Specification

 - Number of Channels  1

 - Output Type  Transistor

 - Voltage  35V

 - Feature  High Density Type Photocoupler

 - Isolation Voltage (RMS)  5000Vrms

 - CTRmin  50%

 - CTRmax  600%

 - Data Rate  -

 - t (ON) / t (OFF) , us  4us/3us

 - IF max  50mA

 - IC max  50mA

Product Information

 - Product Category  Integrated Circuits ( ICs )

 - Family  Optoisolators

 - Manufacturer  SHARP

 - Package/Case  PDIP-4

 - Packaging  TUBE

 - Weight (Gram)  .3

 - PB-Free  PB-Free

Part No : ELE-CH060911590

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