Serial 8-Servo Controller (assembled)



1,150.00 ฿

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The Pololu serial 8-servo controller allows you to control up to eight RC servos with almost any robot controller or computer. Connect multiple units to the same serial line to control up to 128 servos independently.


The Pololu serial 8-servo controller allows you to control up to eight RC servos with almost any robot controller or computer. The interface to the servo controller is a standard RS-232 serial port or a TTL-level serial line, using any baud rate between 1200 and 38400 baud. Multiple 8-servo controllers can be connected to a single serial line to control up to 128 servos independently. The servo controller is compatible with all of our serial motor controllers and servo controllers. The servo controller is also compatible with the Scott Edwards MiniSSC II servo controller and any software written for it.


All of the ports are conveniently labeled on the back of the PCB. This servo controller can be reset directly from a serial port using the DTR or RTS handshaking lines. Other unique features include individual servo speed and range control. Three diagnostic LEDs get you up and running quickly.


You can purchase the servo controller as a partial kit that requires soldering of the through-hole components (header pins and DB9 connector) or as a completely assembled unit. The Pololu serial 8-servo controller is not a standalone device: to use it, you must connect it to power supplies, servos, and a main controller that you program to send commands to the servo controller.


Device specifications

  •    - PCB size: 1.22" x 1.95"
  •    - Servo ports: 8
  •    - Resolution: 0.5 µs (about 0.05°)
  •    - Range: 250-2750 µs
  •    - Logic supply voltage: 5-16 V
  •    - Data voltage: 0 and 5 V
  •    - Pulse rate: 50 Hz
  •    - Serial baud rate: 1200-38400 (automatically detected)

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