TB6612FNG Dual Motor Driver Carrier



390.00 ฿

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The TB6612FNG (308k pdf) is a great dual motor driver that is perfect for interfacing two small DC motors such as ourmicro metal gearmotors to a microcontroller, and it can also be used to control a single bipolar stepper motor. The MOSFET-based H-bridges are much more efficient than the BJT-based H-bridges used in older drivers such as the L298Nand Sanyo’s LB1836M, which allows more current to be delivered to the motors and less to be drawn from the logic supply (the LB1836 still has the TB6612 beat for really low-voltage applications). Our little breakout board gives you direct access to all of the features of the TB6612FNG and adds power supply capacitors and reverse battery protection on the motor supply (note: there is no reverse protection on the Vcc connection).

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